Moodle Mobile 2.3 release notes
Release date: 8th October 2015
Complete list of issues for Moodle Mobile 2.3
New features
- Forum - users can create new discussions and reply to existing ones
- Choice - users can now delete responses
Both features require Moodle 3.0 or the Moodle App additional features plugin.
- Date handling and formatting
- Notifications for deleted sites are not shown
- Scaling of large images and videos
- Option to view scaled images at full size
- Option to report errors in the background (configurable)
- Site notes can no longer be viewed via the app
Complete list of issues
- MOBILE-991 - Unable to authenticate
- MOBILE-1025 - No sound on video
- MOBILE-1152 - MM Does Not Present Multi-Authentication Window
- MOBILE-1170 - Site notes cannot be seen from the app
- MOBILE-1181 - iOS Phonegap Build: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: cordova
- MOBILE-1219 - Not possible to create a new site using a browser
- MOBILE-1225 - Moodle Mobile does not work with iOS9
- MOBILE-1226 - Multi-lang in Mobile: show first option if no match found
- MOBILE-1237 - Timeout triggered in siteExists
- MOBILE-1239 - Error reported via the app: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'top' of undefined
- MOBILE-1244 - Error when deleting site in browser: ReferenceError: device is not defined
- MOBILE-1245 - Controllers instantiated twice with split view
- MOBILE-1249 - Split view: component undefined if links are loaded fast
- MOBILE-1250 - Teacher should be able to add discussions to any group
- MOBILE-1251 - Single answer choices not working right on iOS9
- MOBILE-1048 - Improve date handling and formatting
- MOBILE-1138 - Handle big images and videos in the app
- MOBILE-1151 - Offline mode if downloadfiles is disable on a site already stored
- MOBILE-1176 - Remove SCRIPT tags in content passed to mmFormatText
- MOBILE-1208 - Report errors from cordova, Ionic and ydn-db in background (configurable)
- MOBILE-1227 - Push onto the FDroid repos
- MOBILE-1229 - Display more sensible error when creating a site without network
- MOBILE-1230 - Upgrade PhonegapBuild version to use latest Cordova versions
- MOBILE-1232 - Don't show notifications if site is deleted
- MOBILE-1233 - View scaled image at full size
- MOBILE-1235 - Support default and gravatar profile images
- MOBILE-1238 - Remove errorreport.js from index.html
New Feature
- MOBILE-1134 - Add simple posting and replying in forums
- MOBILE-1240 - Delete answers in choice
- MOBILE-1041 - Decide what to do with Development settings
- MOBILE-1243 - Export the sites list in JSON format in the sdcard
- MOBILE-1246 - Use npm plugins in development
- MOBILE-1247 - Create the upgrade.txt file